Saturday, January 5, 2013

lucy 2 months

lucy's two month birthday was special as it also happened to be her blessing day. what made it extra special was her cousins charlotte rieben and luke cherrington were blessed as well. besides a huge rainstorm making it an adventure getting to church, it was a great day.
lucy even got to wear the same blessing dress i wore over 30 years ago.
lucy continues to be a dream baby and such a welcome addition to our family. she is becoming more interactive and gives us lots of smiles. she's a good sleeper and is even starting to give us longer stretches at night.
she is also growing nicely and at her two month doctor appointment weighed in at 10 lbs 3 ounces and 22 inches. we love our little girl!


Melanie Herway said...

She is so beautiful! How neat that she is wearing your blessing dress! I'm so glad she's an easy baby for you too. I sure miss you guys!

Lauren Andersen said...

she is absolutely gorgeous!