Wednesday, December 19, 2012

fall activities & thanksgiving

one of the highlights of the fall was ben and william attending the byu vs. san jose state football game with the harricks. first stop the tailgate and meeting cosmo. 
they stayed through half time and william made four new best friends with the harrick kids.
we've made a few trips to the park and william learned the joy of throwing leaves. he's also perfecting how to say 'cheese'.
of course lucy has kept us busy, but overall she has been a fantastic baby.
for thanksgiving we hosted the forrest family. it was a full house but we enjoyed a great meal and wonderful company. 
thanksgiving afternoon we all ventured down to monterey for the night and spent the following day at the monterey bay aquarium.

1 comment:

Nathan and Whitney Tanner said...

So cute! William is one of my favorite toddlers ever.