Monday, August 26, 2013

lucy 9 months

month 9 for lucy has been so fun. i know i say it every month but she really is a dream baby.
she has been really clingy to mom this month and tends to scream if i'm in the room and someone else is holding her, but besides that is a complete joy.
she is learning the joy of toys and enjoys playing with all the toys in her basket. she currently has a great affinity towards balls.
food continues to be a favorite and she is eating an ever growing variety and quantity of food. she has also learned to drink through a straw.
lucy found her voice this month and does a lot of babbling. it's a joy to watch her and williams relationship develop. he can make her laugh more than anyone else.
she is loving books more as well. she enjoys any book that is interactive.
she had a good 9 month check up and is perfectly healthy. she is 26 inches (8%), 16 lb 8 oz (12%), and a head circumference of 44 centimeters (67%). i guess we have a petite girl with a good head! we love our lucy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love how smiley she is=)