Wednesday, March 20, 2013

lucy 4 months

lucy's 4th month of life has had me obsessing over sleep. for reasons i cannot figure out she has decided to stop sleeping for long stretches at night which means mom and dad aren't getting much sleep either.
during the day she continues to be a dream. she enjoys playing with toys and loves to gnaw on anything she can get in her mouth.
she's enjoys riding in the bjorn and being outside.
if you interact with her she'll give you a huge open mouthed smile. no laughs yet, but lots of smiles.
she's also started the pattern of taking a pacifier and pulling a blanket over her head when taking her naps.
she got a good health check at her doctor appointment. her current growth stats are 12 pounds 10 oz and 24 inches long.


Melanie Herway said...

I can't get over how adorable she is. I've obsessed over sleep before and I've read so many books...I should be an expert :)

Janie said...

The exact same thing happened to my baby. 4th month was a nightmare, and sadly a little into the 5th. He's doing much better now at 6 months, but I hear you. It's a long road and I hope you start getting a little more sleep very soon!

Lauren Andersen said...

she is so gorgeous!