Wednesday, July 13, 2011

7 months

seven months old and continuing to grow.
the biggest accomplishment of the last month was learning to sit! william's now mastered the skill and as result toys are a whole new world. he also loves solid foods. strawberries and mangos right now are favorites, but he'll eat anything except avocado.
williams favorite toy is still his zebra which he cuddles with during nap time. other favorites continue to be going out in the bjorn, swinging, sucking on his fingers, reading in the morning, and bathtime. new favorites are jazz hands, playing dropsies, laughing when tickled by dad, balls, the remote control, and anything he can get into his mouth.
we love our goose.


Janie said...

He is really so darling Jenny! I love his chunka cheeks! :)

Jeni said...

He is a beautiful child!!