Thursday, September 18, 2008


this past weekend we had the truly remarkable experience of learning to square dance with the incoming class of freshman at dartmouth. ben's classmate from the gsb and dartmouth alum, bruce kennedy, was in town to call the square dancing during the freshman trips. rotating groups of freshman go on various outdoor 'trips' before school begins for some bonding and one night is spent at the moosilauke lodge in the white mountains of new hampshire and it is pretty much indescribable. tired freshman, crazy color haired and dressed lodge leaders, 1920's movies and square dancing! ben and i were along for the ride to observe and then go hiking with bruce the next day, but the freshman were a couple short so we got to join in the dancing and explain that no we were not members of the class of 2012. sure glad i don't look my age.

following the night of dancing we got to stay in this sweet dartmouth cabin. no running water or electricity - loved the wood burning stove.
saturday was perfect weather to hike to the top of mt. moosilauke, but first watch where you park your teeny tiny car.
bruce = simply amazing.

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