lucy was not thrilled to be taking pictures at 10 months. but she is loving many others things including any type of food, swinging, swimming, bath time, and playing with her toys.
no crawling yet but she can get around by rolling.
we love making her laugh.
she continues to remain toothless, but we love her gummy smile.
she and william are developing a sweet relationship which is fun to watch. we love our lucy more and more as she grows.
Met in San Francisco. Lived in Boston, then NYC, now back in CA. Loving William & Lucy.
Monday, October 14, 2013
summer of fun part 2
we stayed close to home the second part of summer. a heat wave meant we brought out the backyard pool and got wet to cool down.
parks as always were a staple, we always enjoy them more when friends come.for the fourth of july we visited the grandparents.
one weekend we visited our favorite monterey and the aquarium. the jellyfish continue to be a favorite.
while in monterey we visited the beach and check out the tide pools
ben and william harvested peppers and peas from their garden.
and cheered on the red sox from afar.
we love summer.
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