lu lu bug is 7 months! be warned a picture overload is coming.
the best thing about 7 months is lucy decided to start sleeping through the night! it is amazing. it all happened the same time we decided to move her into williams room. maybe we were the ones bothering her?
william and lucy share a room - it's fantastic. they nap in different rooms but so far everyone is loving the new sleeping arrangement.
lucy is still perfecting the art of sitting, but we practice all the time so she should have it down soon.
she loves to play with toys, especially toys that she can get into her mouth.
one of her favorite places is her jumper, she's gotten very good at bouncing.
she continues to enjoy the pacifier and she uses it to go to sleep.
lucy loves solid food. she hasn't turned anything away yet and we always have to guess when she is full because sometimes we feel like she doesn't know when to stop! so it's making for some nice rolls.
and as you can tell from all the pictures she's become very expressive. it's adorable.
lucy continues to be my dream baby. i just adore her in every way.
Met in San Francisco. Lived in Boston, then NYC, now back in CA. Loving William & Lucy.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
park days
for lucy's six month birthday she got her first swing ride. she laughed out loud she loved it so much.
this spring has been full of visits to the park.
one day we even ventured to dolores park in the city with friends - it is a fantastic park.
one park even has donkeys to visit.
you can't tell from the below picture, but we've also been really sick. they are still cute sick.
the highlight of the month was the ward luau which ben was in charge of coordinating. it was a great success as shown by the roasted pig.
lucy got in the spirit of the islands.
it was a good month.
this spring has been full of visits to the park.
one day we even ventured to dolores park in the city with friends - it is a fantastic park.
one park even has donkeys to visit.
you can't tell from the below picture, but we've also been really sick. they are still cute sick.
lucy has decided to take up driving.
the highlight of the month was the ward luau which ben was in charge of coordinating. it was a great success as shown by the roasted pig.
lucy got in the spirit of the islands.
it was a good month.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
lucy 6 months
our little lu lu is six months!
she is simply the happiest baby i know. if you look her in the eye she will give you a huge open mouth smile. she went through a brief period of only wanting to be held by mom, but besides that loves people and interacting with them.she is good at rolling from stomach to back, but not the other way. she's beginning to sit up, but still needs lots of support. and she is loving solid food. i have yet to have her not open her mouth to food. she is also continuing to lose her hair, hopefully that trend reverses soon.
overall she is growing perfectly! 25 1/4 inches, 28% and 14 lb 9 oz, 20%.
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